Who is a Watson Student Leader (WSL)?
A dedicated and enthusiastic individual who is passionate about the teaching profession and has a desire to represent the Watson College of Education through leadership, professionalism, and service of past, present, and future Watson Alumni.
Who is eligible to be a Watson Student Leader?
Any student with an interest in the Education Field may apply. They must either have a desire to a part of the Watson College of Education or have already been accepted.
What are the responsibilities of Watson Students Leaders?
Attend one mandatory meeting each month
Attend at least four events per semester:
One Watson College of Education Recruitment event
One Watson College of Education Ambassador event
One Professional Development event
One Community Service event
What are the required events like?
In previous years, the events our members can participate in have included:
Annual Fall Festival
Aspiring Educator Summit
Razor Walker Awards
Watson Preview Day
Involvement carnival
Workshops and conferences
And more!